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Introduction to Modern Economic Growth is a groundbreaking text from one of today's leading economists. Daron Acemoglu gives graduate students not only the tools to analyze growth and related macroeconomic problems, but also the broad perspective needed to apply those tools to the big-picture questions of growth and divergence. And he introduces the economic and mathematical foundations of modern growth theory and macroeconomics in a rigorous but easy to follow manner.

After covering the necessary background on dynamic general equilibrium and dynamic optimization, the book presents the basic workhorse models of growth and takes students to the frontier areas of growth theory, including models of human capital, endogenous technological change, technology transfer, international trade, economic development, and political economy. The book integrates these theories with data and shows how theoretical approaches can lead to better perspectives on the fundamental causes of economic growth and the wealth of nations.

Innovative and authoritative, this book is likely to shape how economic growth is taught and learned for years to come.

Introduces all the foundations for understanding economic growth and dynamic macroeconomic analysis 

Focuses on the big-picture questions of economic growth 

Provides mathematical foundations 

Presents dynamic general equilibrium 

Covers models such as basic Solow, neoclassical growth, and overlapping generations, as well as models of endogenous technology and international linkages 

Addresses frontier research areas such as international linkages, international trade, political economy, and economic development and structural change 

An accompanying Student Solutions Manual containing the answers to selected exercises will be available Spring 2009 (978-0-691-14163-3/$24.95). See: http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8970.html. 

For Professors only: To access a complete solutions manual online, email us at: acemoglusolutions@press.princeton.edu


Introduction to Modern Economic Growth is a groundbreaking text from one of today's leading economists. Daron Acemoglu gives graduate students not only the tools to analyze growth and related macroeconomic problems, but also the broad perspective needed to apply those tools to the big-picture questions of growth and divergence. And he introduces the economic and mathematical foundations of modern growth theory and macroeconomics in a rigorous but easy to follow manner. 

After covering the necessary background on dynamic general equilibrium and dynamic optimization, the book presents the basic workhorse models of growth and takes students to the frontier areas of growth theory, including models of human capital, endogenous technological change, technology transfer, international trade, economic development, and political economy. The book integrates these theories with data and shows how theoretical approaches can lead to better perspectives on the fundamental causes of economic growth and the wealth of nations. Innovative and authoritative, this book is likely to shape how economic growth is taught and learned for years to come.

Introduces all the foundations for understanding economic growth and dynamic macroeconomic analysis

Focuses on the big-picture questions of economic growth

Provides mathematical foundations

Presents dynamic general equilibrium

Covers models such as basic Solow, neoclassical growth, and overlapping generations, as well as models of endogenous technology and international linkages

Addresses frontier research areas such as international linkages, international trade, political economy, and economic development and structural change

An accompanying Student Solutions Manual containing the answers to selected exercises is available (978-0-691-14163-3/$24.95). See: https: //press.princeton.edu/titles/8970.html.


For Professors only: To access a complete solutions manual online, email us at: acemoglusolutions@press.princeton.edu







美】达龙·阿西莫格鲁,伦敦经济学院博士。1993年,入职麻省理工学院(MIT),,现为麻省理工学院伊丽莎白和詹姆士·克利安经济学讲席教授(The Elizabeth and James Killian Professor of Economics) 2005年,被授予克拉克奖,该奖授予40岁以下对经济学做出杰出贡献的经济学家,素有小诺贝 尔奖之称。

阿西莫格鲁的主要研究领域包括政治经济学,发 展经济学,经济增长,技术、收入和工资的不平等,人力资源和培训,劳动经济学等。他也是畅销书《国家为什么会失败》的作者




第二,本书也可以作为一本研究生层次的介绍现代宏观经济学和动态经济分析的教材。有观点认为,和基本的微观经济理论不同,当前并不存在被所有经济学家都认同的核心宏观经济理论。事实并不完全如此。尽管宏观经济学家在有关如何处理短期宏观现象和宏观经济学的边界应该是什么这些问题上存在分歧,但对于动态宏观分析的主力模型(workhorse model)还是存在着广泛的共识。这些模型包括索洛增长模型、新古典增长模型、叠代模型以及技术变化和技术应用模型。由于这些都是经济增长的模型,它们对现代经济增长的透彻分析也能够(也许是应该可以)对现代宏观经济提供关键材料。尽管有几本很好的研究生层次的宏观经济学教科书,但它们通常在基本的核心内容上花费的篇幅相对较少,而且没有介绍现代宏观经济分析与经济动态,以及与一般均衡理论之间的联系。相反,这本书虽然并没有涵盖宏观经济学的所有短期问题,但是它透彻而严谨地介绍了我心目中的宏观经济学的核心问题。













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