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The past twenty years have seen great theoretical and empirical advances in the field of corporate finance. Whereas once the subject addressed mainly the financing of corporations--equity, debt, and valuation--today it also embraces crucial issues of governance, liquidity, risk management, relationships between banks and corporations, and the macroeconomic impact of corporations. However, this progress has left in its wake a jumbled array of concepts and models that students are often hard put to make sense of.

Here, one of the world's leading economists offers a lucid, unified, and comprehensive introduction to modern corporate finance theory. Jean Tirole builds his landmark book around a single model, using an incentive or contract theory approach. Filling a major gap in the field, The Theory of Corporate Finance is an indispensable resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students as well as researchers of corporate finance, industrial organization, political economy, development, and macroeconomics.

Tirole conveys the organizing principles that structure the analysis of today's key management and public policy issues, such as the reform of corporate governance and auditing; the role of private equity, financial markets, and takeovers; the efficient determination of leverage, dividends, liquidity, and risk management; and the design of managerial incentive packages. He weaves empirical studies into the book's theoretical analysis. And he places the corporation in its broader environment, both microeconomic and macroeconomic, and examines the two-way interaction between the corporate environment and institutions.

Setting a new milestone in the field, The Theory of Corporate Finance will be the authoritative text for years to come.


The past twenty years have seen great theoretical and empirical advances in the field of corporate finance. Whereas once the subject addressed mainly the financing of corporations--equity, debt, and valuation--today it also embraces crucial issues of governance, liquidity, risk management, relationships between banks and corporations, and the macroeconomic impact of corporations. However, this progress has left in its wake a jumbled array of concepts and models that students are often hard put to make sense of. 

Here, one of the world's leading economists offers a lucid, unified, and comprehensive introduction to modern corporate finance theory. Jean Tirole builds his landmark book around a single model, using an incentive or contract theory approach. Filling a major gap in the field, The Theory of Corporate Finance is an indispensable resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students as well as researchers of corporate finance, industrial organization, political economy, development, and macroeconomics. Tirole conveys the organizing principles that structure the analysis of today's key management and public policy issues, such as the reform of corporate governance and auditing; the role of private equity, financial markets, and takeovers; the efficient determination of leverage, dividends, liquidity, and risk management; and the design of managerial incentive packages. He weaves empirical studies into the book's theoretical analysis. And he places the corporation in its broader environment, both microeconomic and macroeconomic, and examines the two-way interaction between the corporate environment and institutions. Setting a new milestone in the field, The Theory of Corporate Finance will be the authoritative text for years to come.





让·梯若尔(Jean Tirole),2014年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,1978年在巴黎第九大学获得应用数学博士学位,1981年在麻省理工学院获得经济学博士学位。现担任法国图卢兹大学产业经济研究所科研所长,同时在巴黎大学、麻省理工学院担任兼职教授,并先后在哈佛大学、斯坦福大学担任客座教授。1984年至今担任《计量经济学》(Econometrica)杂志副主编。同时还是普纳思经济管理研究院学术委员。


第1篇 公司制度的经济学概览  
第1章 公司治理 
第2章 公司融资:一些特征性事实

第2篇 公司融资与代理成本  
第3章 外部融资能力
第4章 贷款能力的决定因素 
第5章 流动性和风险管理、自由现金流以及长期融资  
第6章 不对称信息下的公司融资 
第7章 产品市场和收益操纵  

第3篇 退出与呼吁:消极型监督与积极型监督  
第8章 投资者的进退之道:呼吁、退出与投机  
第9章 借贷关系和投资者积极主义  

第4篇 证券设计:控制权视角  
第10章 控制权与公司治理 
第11章 收购

第5篇 证券设计:需求方视角
第12章 消费者的流动性需求 

第6篇 宏观经济含义与公司金融的政治经济学
第13章 信贷配给与经济活动  
第14章 并购与均衡资产价值的决定  
第15章 总量流动性短缺与流动性资产定价 
第16章 制度、公共政策和融资的政治经济学  

第7篇 部分习题答案与复习题  




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